Business idea - B2B Coffee machine renting

  • high end coffee machine (costs ~3000€) rentable for businesses
  • discounts on coffee from selected partners ⇒ partners get part of the subscription fee
  • cleaning is included
    name: ZenCoffee?

Message map

visualization of a product
need to know the story

  1. “twitter friendly headline” → the one thing you want all customers to know, e.g. “lush makes handmade soaps and cosmetics”

  2. 3 to 4 key points, e.g. “fresh”, “environmentally friendly”, “ethical campaigns”

  3. add additional supporting points to the key points

  4. Personal pronouns

  5. Emotive Language

  6. Facts

  7. Rule of three

  8. Rhetorical questions

  9. Assertion

  10. Alliteration

  11. Exaggeration

  12. Flattery

  13. Repetition