Undocumented immigration in the past:
- was much lower in the past
Kamala Harris’ statement in 2021:
Don’t immigrate: “don’t go to the border, do not come”
Trump’s actions:
- building a wall
- metering
⇒ keeping migrants out
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’ response to Harris’ statement
Current undocumented immigration:
- increases as a result to metering
- now the majority immigrates in undocumented ways
Roots of the border crisis, according to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez
creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) & Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under George W. Bush
Metering: how it works and it’s impact:
⇒ allows border agents to limit the amount of immigrants able to request asylum in a specified period of time

- leads to decrease in official border crossings and increase in inofficial border crossings, which are far more dangerous for the immigrants
⇒ remote border checkpoints easily become overwhelmed
- immigrants can become stuck at the border
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’ opinion on border facilities
Sending migrants backTransit ban: Requires asylum seekers to use buggy CBF One app to apply for asylum from another country
Making migrants stay in Mexicometeringrequire asylum seekers to stay in Mexico whilst they are being processed
Seperating familiesdeliberate; send adults back but keep children in governmental custodydetained migrant children & continued some harsh practices, but family seperation isn’t mentioned explicitely

“When it comes to immigration policy, Biden is increasingly Trump-like.”
- Moustafa Bayoumi

reasons for choosing republicans:

  • both suck, we flipped a coin


  • shoot yourself
  • build a border
  • gun rights for texans to shoot more mexicans