Jamestown settlers
(since 1607)
Wanted to become rich

were originally looking for gold, when they couldn’t find any, they discovered that growing tobacco and selling it to Great Britain was good business, too  → development of slavery
(since 1620)
Wanted to escape from religious persecution in England
→ were looking for religious freedom, survived the first winter thanks to the Natives
→ Thanksgiving, worked as farmers mainly
The American DreamBased on the idea that anybody can achieve anything
Hard work and good education are the requirements to make this Dream come true. → from rags to riches, social upward mobility
(But it’s not for everyone about becoming a millionaire. For some it’s decent housing, for others racial equality, etc.)
Declaration of Independence
(4th of July, 1776)
Statement which announced that the thirteen colonies were from then on independent from the British Empire
It declared that a country should be run on the principles of personal liberty, self-governance and individual rights:
“All men are created equal with inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  This idea is central to the American Dream.

→ War of Independence 1775 – 1783 (patriots vs. loyalists)
→ Thomas Jefferson
The U.S. Constitution
It was drafted by the so-called Founding Fathers
It states the first ten basic rights of each American citizen

1st amendment: guarantees freedom of religion, speech and press

2nd amendment: the right of the people to keep and bear weapons

→ Benjamin Franklin & George Washington
Bill of Rights
It establishes a government with three separate and independent branches that watch over one another → system of checks and balances
(Congress = Legislative, President = Executive, Supreme Court = Judicial). Nobody should be able to have too much power.

This way it ensures the individual rights and freedom of all citizens by limiting the power of the government (e.g. no state religion)
Manifest Destiny
(19th century)
Historically, the American Dream was a dream of the West, of unlimited expansion

People were convinced that they were chosen by God to spread their culture across the North American continent because they felt their way of government and living was superior to everyone else’s → Patriotism
ImmigrationPeople from all of the world have come to the United States seeking liberty and freedom. In the U.S. immigrants could flourish and practice their religion without fear of oppression or censure.

Immigrants tent to be firm believers in the American dream.
African Americans
(Critics of the American Dream)
Problem: Some people have always been more equal than others. Blacks did not achieve full legal equality until the 1960s.

Racial discrimination is still a fact in many parts of the US. Most of the Founding Fathers were slave owners themselves.