business pitch | Business-Pitch | presenting your business model to investors or customers in hope to receive funding and/or sales |
equity | Eigenkapital | the value of a company’s shares |
valuation | Einschätzung | estimated (monetary) value |
patent | Patent | the right to use your idea in any way you like and to prevent others from doing so |
patent pending | Patent ausstehend | designation that can be used once a patent is filed, but it’s approval is still pending |
stake | Anteil | a part or share in a business |
proprietary | propreitär | protected by a registered trademark |
customer acquisition costs | Kundengewinnungskosten | costs of getting a customer to buy something (marketing costs) |
distribution | Vertrieb | the system of transporting and delivering a product |
licensing | Lizensierung | sharing the patent rights or trademark of a product to a 3rd-party under specific terms |
business model | Geschäftsmodell | how a business makes money and operates |
proof of concept | Prototyp | a rough draft of a product that can be showcased |
sweat equity | Arbeitsinvestment | work one does to build up value without direct monetary gain, e.g. when a homeowner renovates their home to increase its value |
royalty | LizenzgebĂĽhren | profits from licensing |
market value | Marktwert | value of something on the market (if it were sold) |
margin | Marge | the part of a sale that is profit (sale price - costs = margin) |
liquidity | Liquidität | funds that can be easily exchanged for cash and cash |
break even | Unkosten decken | making just enough revenue to cover all costs so that the profit is zero or near zero |
point of sale / POS | Kasse | where sales in a store are made / what is operated by the cashier |
budget | Budget | available money |
ability | Fähigkeit | skill |
accrued expenses | RĂĽckstellungen | expenses for which there is no invoice but which occur regularly |
business cycle | | series of phases in a business in which economy increases and then decreases |
trade | Handel | when at least two parties exchange products and/or monetary |
profit | Profit | the amount of money gained per business cycle or time, basically the sum of all margins for all sales in that period |
agreement | Zustimmung | promise or contract between two or more parties |
stock market | Aktienmarkt | market where shares of stocks are sold |
fundraising | | collecting money from people for a cause |
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